A while back I was having a conversation with a pastor about some of the things God has me doing in this season of my life. I was expressing to this particular pastor that I was somewhat tired and in this season I was really laboring hard in ministry and many other areas of my life. She expressed how great she thought it was that my ministry and other areas of my life were flourishing under God’s anointing and grace. The next thing she said to me troubled me. She stated that God would never have me sacrifice myself in ministry and that I need to be careful and not overdo it.
I remember thinking that just doesn’t seem, feel or sound right and then I hurried into the service. Throughout the church service I kept replaying the conversation in my head. To be quite honest, her response bothered me. Have we as Christians really come to a place of complacency and comfort that we think that walking as Christians doesn’t have to cost us anything?
I am not sure when this mind set began to come into play. Maybe it was at the same time the watered down grace message swept our nation and this world as a whole. You know the one that many mega preachers and seeker friendly churches across the world are pushing that says anyone can do anything and still make it to heaven. I don’t know, but whenever the idea that ministry, anointing, glory and your walk with God is easy and free came into play it is wrong and needs to be addressed.
God said our salvation is free. He said grace and mercy is free. He paid for our healing and our peace. He never said that we wouldn’t sacrifice time, money, sleep, family time, comfort, freedom(s), and self for the anointing and glory to manifest and work in our lives and ministry. We can take a look at all the sacrifices the Apostles made. They were thrown in jail, suffered persecution, stoned, beaten, and many other things as they went out and proclaimed the gospel and did ministry. Many of them even lost their lives in brutal deaths.
This was all after the crucifixion so we modern-day Christians can’t use Calvary as an excuse or an out to not push ourselves and the limits in seasons it is required. If anything we should use Calvary as a reason to push harder because it is because of Calvary that we have access to the glory and anointing. It just isn’t free.
There will be seasons of rest but in seasons where God wants to use you mightily you will pay the price. This may mean less sleep when God needs you to get on your face in intercession and prayer. This may mean being tired after pouring out in ministry, preaching, altar ministry, worship/praise leading, Godly counseling, etc. God may require you to sow more finances for a harvest in the next season or FOR the next season. Most of the time it will require you to die to self.
God will require you to sacrifice or get rid of the things that are in the way. Maybe that is television, food or relationships. Whatever it is for you and your ministry and walk with God it WILL cost you something and you will sacrifice if you truly want the power of God to be evident in your life and ministry. Now if you are what I like to call a “fluffy” Christian and your only interest is being sustained and doing the bare minimum until Christ comes then disregard what I am saying. If you are Kingdom minded and interested in living out your full Godly potential and calling, get ready for some sacrifice.
We do need to remember that his grace is sufficient and he will sustain you in the times that you are laboring because he loves you and everything you do is meant to glorify him.
-Galatians 6:9 ESV “For let’s not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up”
-2 Timothy 4:5 ESV “As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.