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The Natural World, Human Identity, Human Relationships, and Culture....What Did Paul Have To Say Abo

The book of Romans written by the Apostle Paul is rich in Biblical instruction and foundational theological knowledge to base a person’s day to day life on. There are concrete truths and revelations to help guide us on what is right or wrong and what not to do. There is a complex breakdown of what grace is and means to each of us as believers yet there is a simplicity to how Apostle Paul portrays the way we should live knowing we are covered in the grace of God and empowered by the grace of God. As one reads, starting at the beginning of the book of Romans, it is seen very quickly that Paul deals with very serious issues that we still see happening today such as unrighteousness, reprobate minds, unholy lifestyles and all other issues that are not glorifying God and who he is. The natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture are the four topics that will be touched on and how Apostle Paul addresses these issues.

The natural world then was much like the natural world today, full of sin stemming from fleshly desires, homosexuality, idolatry, lies, debauchery and confusion to name a few. When looking at today’s society, outside of the body of Christ and even in the body of Christ, there is a rise in sexual perversion, homosexuality and other sins of that nature. Paul addresses this in a clear and concise manner in Romans 1:26-27 and the uncleanliness of it. In our world today hearts are hardened, society has become Godless, the creation is worshipped more than the creator just like when Paul wrote to the Romans. In current times the act of judging others for the very sins being committed by the one judging is very prevalent as well as then and Paul address this in the second chapter of Romans. “And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgement of God? (Romans 2:3) This scripture really touches on the fact that when we judge others for the very same thing we are actively doing we are going to face the same judgement.

Romans 1-8 is many times misconstrued, misquoted and taken out of context when pertaining to grace and in current times that has caused a great divide in the body of Christ because of the confusion of what grace is. Many have walked away from holiness and righteousness, thinking that no one should judge them and that because of grace one can live however one wants to live. The truth of the matter is when the reader has true revelation of what Paul is saying concerning sin they see he is explaining that grace has empowered us to overcome the very things that try and overtake us by having the ability to live holy lives all the more because of grace.

When looking at human identity through the eyes of Paul in Romans 1-8 we see he categorizes people in two categories, the Jew or the Gentile, saved or the unsaved. Both saved by grace because of Jesus Christ but one held to a higher standard than the other because of the knowledge of the law. Paul also makes it clear that we all are Spiritual beings encased in earthly bodies which causes our spirit man to strive with our flesh on a consistent basis and there’s an ongoing internal war between what is right and what is wrong. Paul emphasizes this in Romans 7. Paul makes a powerful statement at the end of Romans 7 “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” (Romans 7:25 KJV). This scripture really drives in the point that we are internally battling between our spirit man and our flesh.

Human relationships are shown to be the same back in Biblical times as they are now in the sense that we are all prone to sin and failure. We can see that in Biblical times, although there were cultural differences, there were still the issues that go on now. We see Paul address homosexuality and marriage in these chapters. He validates the fact that there are healthy ways to have relationships and there are sinful and unhealthy ways to have certain relationships. We see Paul touch on the natural order and design of relationships between man and woman and how that is altered in Romans 1. Even today we see a rise in homosexuality and the outward practice of it. We also see how God has given many up to a reprobate mind because of sinful practices.

When we look at the aspect of culture we see that it is very different in the time that Paul writes Romans but interestingly enough the sins that we see now are the same as they were even then. No matter who we are, where we come from, or who we are the same things Paul addresses affects all of us the same way. We all have sinful natures and have to fight our flesh every single day to live in a way that is pleasing to God. We also see that the same grace that was afforded to the Jews and Gentiles of that time is the same measure of grace allotted to the current time and cultures. God is still God and the Word of God is still applicable in this day and current hour.

When looking at all the topics discussed I have come to the realization that God is so powerful and sovereign that he was able to inspire Apostle Paul to write what was needed then and now. We have the ability to live lives pleasing to God when we understand what God desires and that his grace was put into place to empower us to do what he requires of us and not use it as an excuse to do wrong. Paul gives us such a phenomenal breakdown of sin and grace in these chapters and how it applies to basic life questions. He provides clear cut knowledge of what is okay and what is not okay in the eyes of the Lord. Romans is one of the best books in the New Testament to really help daily life and help us to live successfully in Kingdom principles and what Jesus dying on the cross truly did for the human race


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